Growth Partners & Growth Cycles

Every Missionary Led By and Becoming a Transformational Servant Leader

We are thankful for these leaders who have given of themselves to lead this Growth Culture initiative. Click Link for Introductions.

Growth Partner and Growth Cycle FAQs

What is a Growth Cycle? A growth cycle is a short journey with a Growth Partner that will help you create a growth plan, establish growth or strategic goals, and be “coached” forward toward the meeting of those goals.

How long is a Growth Cycle? That’s up to you, but typically about 3 months with one or two sessions a month, depending on your goals.

Can I choose my Growth Partner? Yes, our growth partner team will help you connect with a growth partner that works for you?

Who should I reach out to if I would like more information regarding growth cycles? Kirk Spain and Becky Tarr lead and facilitate the growth partnering processes. You may reach out to them at their organizational email address or via Africa House TEAMS.


Growth Partnering is about transformational conversations

Growth Partnering usually happens in one of four ways…

Being paired with a trained Growth Partner from our Growth Partner Cadre.

Pairing with someone who has also been through the Growth Partner training and having a two-way growth cycle. 

Sometimes a team has one or two people designated as Growth Partners who lead growth cycles for the team.

Sometimes a team who has participated in the Growth Partner training will continue with two-way growth conversations within the team. 

Growth Partner Training

Our Goal is every person in the Africa House participating in Growth Partner Training.
  • It prepares participants to be a Growth Partner and to facilitate the co-creation of growth plans.
  • It gives participants tools to more effectively lead their own growth.
  • It equips participants to more effectively engage transformational conversations as a disciple-maker and friend.

Experience a Growth Partner Training

Growth Partner Training is Designed…


Growth Partner Training is a 3 day training designed to equip you with basic coaching and transformational conversation skills. 

WE ENCOURAGE EVERYONE in the Africa House to encounter the training to become more effective in your ministry calling, your capacity as a leader and an influencer to transformation. 


…to Connect Everyone to Someone in the Africa House. 


Engage With Us

Visit the MS TEAMS CHANNEL: Africa House Leader Development — Growth Culture under the “Africa House” team to connect to interact, ask questions, and to view files and resources.