We have to find our people, our tribe, because the mission to which God has called us requires a team. For us it is about the people with whom we will partner in a big way or a small way to accomplish the mission God has given us together.
Here are eight things we’ve learned about raising spiritually healthy kids. Being a spiritual leader does not automatically make us better parents, in fact it brings with it challenges that other parents sometimes do not have, but hose challenges are more blessings than they are curses. It is a blessing for a child to have parents (or a parent) who loves God and does their best to fulfill their spiritual calling to love, lead, and lift their children.
Here are seven healthy marriage practices. Your marriage is your most important relationship and it is a gift from God, and like every other relationship, it requires an investment. In this episode of Calibrate Life, we discuss Seven Healthy Marriage Practices.
Guarding our marriage circle is protecting the relationship between spouses. We see our marriage relationship as a circle, with only the two of us and God present. We try to keep things that don’t belong in that circle of relationship outside the circle. This isn’t always easy to do, and we are not always successful at it, but just the awareness of the difference between the inside of the circle and the outside of the circle is helpful. In this episode of Calibrate Life, David and Donna talk about the importance of guarding the marriage circle.
Emotionally calibrated people have healthy relationships with safe people. Dysfunctional relationships not only disrupt our lives, but opening up to the wrong people, unsafe people, can hinder, damage, or destroy us as spiritual leaders. In this episode, David and Donna discuss some of the principles from the book Safe People, and how to carefully choose our relationships for joyful and healthy living.
How is it that we can have similar families, similar experiences, similar beliefs, grow up in the same town, and end up in such different places? Accountability in the context of community is so vitally important. In this episode we talk about the importance of accountability and staying intimately connected to the people you love and lead.
David and Donna Delp are the founders of Calibrate360 and host the weekly Calibrate Life Podcast. For more info about them visit our About Us page. To learn about their mission, visit our Mission Africa page.