084 – Significance, Is It Worth It and Does It Matter?


Significance is importance, we want to be important. Significance is being of consequence, mattering. Our existence and our presence being of consequence, mattering, making a difference. When we say we want to live a significant life, what we usually mean is we want our life to matter, we want the fact that we were here to change something, to be transformational in some way. We want our lives to have worth.

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083 – We Experience Joy When We Learn to Trust

Joy Through Trust

Living joyfully requires putting our trust in the right things. Anxiety strips us of joy, but trusting in the right things gives us the certainty necessary to alleviate or lessen anxiety. We experience joyful living out of a posture of peace. In this episode we discuss the peace that surpasses all understanding, and experiencing joy and joyful living when we learn to trust.

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082 – We Experience Joy from the Inside Out

Joy from the inside out

Joy comes from the inside not the outside. Joy comes from the work Christ is doing inside us. Believe it or not, joy comes more from the things we lose, or let go of, than for the things we have, or hold on to. We continue on our journey through the New Testament book of Philippians and learning to live a life of joy in spite of the circumstances or challenges we face.

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