078 – Encouraging Our Daughters to Lead: Interview with Kelly Delp

Encouraging Daughters to Lead

Raising daughters with a leadership call upon their lives requires seeing and responding to the path God is crafting in their lives. Honestly, we are a part of a tribe that theologically embraces women in ministry and leadership, but sometimes, in practice, we are more comfortable with traditional roles. As a Dad, I had a front row seat over a couple of decades of the struggles and challenges of a young women feeling a call to ministry in a world where men in lead pastor roles just makes some people more comfortable.

We took the opportunity to have a conversation with our daughter, Kelly Delp, who is a young single woman serving as the lead pastor of The Bridge International Church in Paris, France. We discussed our experiences during her developmental years and the challenges, but mostly the joys, of her journey toward God’s great adventure calling upon her life.

You can connect with Kelly at her blog, KellyDelp.com 

“Like” our facebook page Calibrate360 to comment.

077 – Navigating and Leading Chaos

Lead the chaos

Whether we initiate the chaos or it spontaneously erupts, we’ve got to give leadership to the chaotic state of things. We’ve got to navigate through the chaos. Leaders sometimes lead through spontaneous chaos that just happened, and at other times, we actually initiate chaos to transition from our present reality to our desired future. In this week’s episode, David and Donna discuss when to initiate chaos and how to appropriate lead through chaos.

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076 – Embracing the Chaos of Life and Leadership

Chaos is part of transformation. Before we can experience transformational change, we’ve got to experience the disorganization of chaos while a new reality is underway. Why must we face chaos, how do we navigate it, and what is the difference between destructive and constructive chaos?

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