042 – The Importance of Positive Self-Talk to the Joyful Life

042 – The Importance of Positive Self-Talk to the Joyful Life

The things we say to ourselves, our self-talk, will effect what we attempt and accomplish in life. If your self-talk is negative, you won’t even try great things. If your self-talk is positive and sane, you will accomplish much in your life and for the Kingdom of God. In this episode, we explore why positive self-talk has such an affect upon our lives and some calibration tools to help us stay on the positive track.

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041 – Embrace the Tunnels: Braving Dark Places on the Journey

041 – Embrace the Tunnels: Braving Dark Places on the Journey

Sometimes we press through tunnels because we know joy awaits on the other side. We face a lot of tunnels on the journey of “pressing beyond the tough stuff.” The commitment to living a joyful life is about pressing through the tunnels because we have FAITH and a CONFIDENCE that we will meet joy on the other side of the tunnel. … and besides… tunnels are an adventure in and of themselves!

In this episode of the CalibrateLife Podcast we talk about tunnels as the necessary work of pressing through the difficult places in order to experience the inevitable joy of “the other side.”

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Am I Really Praising God, or Am I Just Saying Words?

Am I Really Praising God, or Am I Just Saying Words?

How do we “praise” God? Over time words become just words. For most of my life I’ve said things like, “Oh God, I praise your name.” “I exalt you.” What does that mean? Is that really praise and exultation?

“O Lord, you are my God; I will exalt you; I will praise your name, for you have done wonderful things, plans formed of old, faithful and sure.” (Isaiah 25.1 ESV) (more…)