111 – Can’t Get Your Work Done? Routines Increase Effectiveness

routines increase effectivenessRoutines increase your effectiveness. We make hundreds of decisions a day, but if you pre-decide the things you do over and over again, you will conserve a lot of energy you could devote to other things, you will not suffer as much from decision fatigue, and you will more efficiently get your work done. Then you can rest better and get to some of the things that recharge you.

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109 – Pushing Through the Pain to Realize the Promise

Push through the pain to realize the promiseLife and leadership is a cycle of embracing a passion, pushing through the pain of reality, and then realizing the promise. There is always tough stuff to press through. How do we keep the joy and enjoy the journey while pushing through the realities that lead to the promise? In this episode, we talk about the place on our journey where we have to push through the part we don’t always want to do because it will take us to the place we want to be.

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105 – Why Passion is Absolutely Essential to Leadership

Passion is essential to our leadership, it is our ignition, it motivates us to press through difficulties to lay hold of the things for which we are passionate. Passion encourages us to press past obstacles and difficulties to achieve the thing important to us, and to God. In this episode of Calibrate Life, we talk about why passion is essential for life and leadership.

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104 – The Importance of Celebrating Wins

Celebrating WinsCelebrating wins encourages the heart because it emphasizes the reality that we really are moving forward, When life is just one long string of events, those events run together without separators. Celebrating wins emphasizes that we really are going somewhere good, and we actually have a chance of getting there. In this episode of Calibrate Life, we discuss the importance of celebrating our wins. 

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102 – Do New Year’s Resolutions Work and Should You Have One?

strategic plan
Should we have New Year’s resolutions? Do they work? If I trust God to shape and lead my future, do I need a strategic plan? In episode 102 of the Calibrate Podcast, we will discuss the tension between following the Spirit and having a plan. 

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101 – Sharpen Your Focus to Increase Effectiveness

We must sharpen our focus to increase our effectiveness, but so many things vie for our attention. In this episode we are going to talk about achieving the FOCUS necessary for forward movement in our lives. 

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