116 – Three Vital Relationships Every Leader Must Have: A Friend to Walk With You

Every healthy and growing spiritual leader needs three specific types of relationships in their lives. We need a “Paul” who will mentor us, a “Barnabas” who will encourage and challenge us, and a “Timothy” into whom we are investing as a mentor or spiritual leader. 

In last week’s episode 115 we discussed the importance of a mentor relationship and some ideas on how to engage a mentor. This week we progress to “part 2” as we discuss embracing the “encouragers” in our lives. 

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115 – Three Vital Relationships Every Leader Must Have: The Mentor

Finding a Mentor

Every leader must have three vital relationships to succeed. We need a “Paul,” someone to mentor us. We need a “Barnabas,” someone to walk with us in honesty as a friend and accountability partner. We must find “Timothies,” those in whom we invest as a mentor and a leader. In this episode we discuss the first of those relationships: Finding and being a mentor to those we are called to love and lift.

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114 – Who Are Your People?

We have to find our people, our tribe, because the mission to which God has called us requires a team. For us it is about the people with whom we will partner in a big way or a small way to accomplish the mission God has given us together. 

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