110 – Eight Commitments for Raising Spiritually Healthy Kids

Raising spiritually healthy kids

Here are eight things we’ve learned about raising spiritually healthy kids. Being a spiritual leader does not automatically make us better parents, in fact it brings with it challenges that other parents sometimes do not have, but hose challenges are more blessings than they are curses. It is a blessing for a child to have parents (or a parent) who loves God and does their best to fulfill their spiritual calling to love, lead, and lift their children.

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109 – Pushing Through the Pain to Realize the Promise

Push through the pain to realize the promiseLife and leadership is a cycle of embracing a passion, pushing through the pain of reality, and then realizing the promise. There is always tough stuff to press through. How do we keep the joy and enjoy the journey while pushing through the realities that lead to the promise? In this episode, we talk about the place on our journey where we have to push through the part we don’t always want to do because it will take us to the place we want to be.

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108 – Seven Healthy Marriage Practices

7 Healthy Marriage PracticesHere are seven healthy marriage practices. Your marriage is your most important relationship and it is a gift from God, and like every other relationship, it requires an investment. In this episode of Calibrate Life, we discuss Seven Healthy Marriage Practices.

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