055 – Our Great Adventure Continues: We Are Stepping Into a New Chapter of Life

055 – Our Great Adventure Continues: We Are Stepping Into a New Chapter of Life

We’ve been talking a lot about living the great adventure, taking risks, stepping out in faith, living a joyful life, following your passions, etc. Well, we are leaving our present assignments and stepping out into an exciting future. This episode is about our journey and the reasons for our decision, but we do hope and believe that you will be encouraged by some of the things we’ve learned as we’ve made this monumental big leap.


052 — Significance Through Persistence: The Small Things Make the Biggest Difference

052 — Significance Through Persistence: The Small Things Make the Biggest Difference

We think of life in terms of the big things, the big chunks, but the accumulation of small but consistent actions are the things that really shape our lives and move us toward who we will be and what we will accomplish.


039 – Establishing Life Patterns for Joyful Living

039 – Establishing Life Patterns for Joyful Living

We establish patterns in our lives that help us live consistently and naturally. Patterns are important in our personal life and in leadership. We must establish life patterns and we’ve got to be willing to evaluate those patterns when we need to change or go to the next level. In this episode we take a look at our spiritual patterns, passion patterns, relationship patterns, life development patterns, and our life practices patterns.

Listen to the Podcast or Continue Reading the (timestamped) Notes…


035 – Growing Together Instead of Drifting Apart

035 – Growing Together Instead of Drifting Apart

If you are married, your marriage relationship is the most important relationship in your life. It is worthy of calibration. On the occasion of their 3rd anniversary (with a tongue-in-cheek cumulative experience of 67 years), David and Donna discuss 6 marriage calibration points every couple should observe.

Listen to the podcast using the player above, or read the notes for the episode below. The notes are clickable time stamped keyed to the episode.
