049 – Lessons from an Applesauce Cake: How to Change Lives Through Giving

049 – Lessons from an Applesauce Cake: How to Change Lives Through Giving

We never really know how significant a simple act of kindness will be. Sometimes they go unnoticed and other times they are life changing. It’s not the act of kindness nor the extravagance of the gift or the action that matters so much, what matters most is our passion and love for the recipient. In this episode we talk about a simple applesauce cake and lessons learned through the giving of a gift.


048 – Emmanuel, God With Us: Being Jesus in a Needy World

048 – Emmanuel, God With Us: Being Jesus in a Needy World

The promise of Emmanuel, God with us, is not only a Christmas story, it is our life and hope. Incarnation was and is about God presenting himself in our context to be with us and reveal himself to us. Christ in you is your opportunity to “be Jesus” in a world that needs him. Jesus is a friend to sinners and wants to be with them. The way he does that is through you. That is how the great and indescribable God reveals himself, through you!


047 – Getting Outside the Box

047 – Getting Outside the Box

The things we’ve always done won’t get us to a place we’ve never been. We have to think outside the box, but the problem is the box is magnetic, we are by default pulled back into the status quo, old and comfortable thinking patterns. What do you do when you feel called to something outside the “box”, and you are not even sure what it is, you just know it’s not in the “box?” How do we break free from the pull of the box and soar into orbit. David and Donna talk about the fuel necessary to break out of the box. Sometimes getting “outside the box” requires new frameworks, new paradigms, new learning. Getting “outside the box” will require new learning and preparation.


046 – Don’t Over Anticipate: Looking Forward with Trust and Faith

046 – Don’t Over Anticipate: Looking Forward with Trust and Faith

There is a good side to anticipation and a negative side. It creates excitement, but when we anticipate too much it could create limits. When we over anticipate sometimes we craft a future that is based upon our anticipation, which is limited by our wisdom and insight, rather than gradually moving into the better future God has prepared for us. In this episode, David and Donna talk about the importance of anticipatory leadership, but consider the pitfalls of over anticipation to a life of faith and trust.


045 – Holidays Can Be Joyous and Challenging: Things to Keep in Mind Regarding Grief and the Holidays

045 – Holidays Can Be Joyous and Challenging: Things to Keep in Mind Regarding Grief and the Holidays

Holidays are typically focused upon family gatherings and joyous celebrations. As leaders how do we help those who are not feeling “merry” to navigate the holidays? And how do those who are feeling the emotions of loss navigate all of the gatherings and celebrations? In this episode David and Donna talk about both helping others navigate anxiety and emotions during the holidays and they also speak to those who are struggling a bit with the celebrations going on around them when they are hurting and not feeling particularly celebratory.

This content was repurposed from a Calibrate360 blog post posted on December 19, 2016 because it was a popular topic, because we believe it is still relevant… and we wanted to do a podcast on the topic!
