040 – Stop Listening to Everyone and Get on With Your Adventure!

040 – Stop Listening to Everyone and Get on With Your Adventure!

When you are going somewhere no one’s ever gone before no one else is going to understand. They cannot wrap their head around it. They will project their fear and uncertainty because they love you, but if they’ve never been where you are going, they are not going to understand and they will not be a comprehensive resource for you. When you are going a unique direction, to a unique place, trying to accomplish a God-dream that is unique to you there are severe limits as to who can advise you. Sometimes… no one but God can guide you. That is a very exciting zone in which to live.


Go With What God Puts in Your Heart!

Go With What God Puts in Your Heart!

One of the keys to writing is having the right stuff in your heart. You cannot write one thing while being something else. I cannot write as a gracious human being when I am full of criticism and snark. It’s too much work to be one thing and write something else. Writing flows from the soul. When the soul is yielded to the spirit, then spirit stuff comes out. When the soul is not yielded to the spirit, then soulish stuff comes out. It takes a lot of work to write things not in your heart.

It goes back to obedience to God. Am I willing to write what I hear from God or do I have to change it to make it palatable, to make it something people want to hear, stuff that appeals to my perceived reader, whether it is in my heart or not.


039 – Establishing Life Patterns for Joyful Living

039 – Establishing Life Patterns for Joyful Living

We establish patterns in our lives that help us live consistently and naturally. Patterns are important in our personal life and in leadership. We must establish life patterns and we’ve got to be willing to evaluate those patterns when we need to change or go to the next level. In this episode we take a look at our spiritual patterns, passion patterns, relationship patterns, life development patterns, and our life practices patterns.

Listen to the Podcast or Continue Reading the (timestamped) Notes…


038 – Life and Ministry in the Context of Relationships

038 – Life and Ministry in the Context of Relationships

Life is lived in the context of our relationships, and ministry and leadership take place in the context of our relationships. We must make people our priority in living, leading, and loving. Relationships require a great investment with every party having something to give and something to gain in the relationship.

Continue reading for the episode notes. (more…)

037 – Should We Aspire to Live a Prosperous Life?

037 – Should We Aspire to Live a Prosperous Life?

Are we supposed to prosper? We sometimes feel guilty when we prosper, or worse, we feel we are unworthy to be successful at the things to which we put our hands. We appreciate the role of adversity in shaping character, but we must also live in the confidence that we can succeed and be prosperous in the things God puts in our hearts.
