Your Words Are Imperfect and Inadequate – Write Them Anyway

Your Words Are Imperfect and Inadequate – Write Them Anyway

I’ve always had a lot of unique thoughts, and I’ve written millions of words in my lifetime. In fact, I’ve written almost a million words in my journal since 2012. I’ve only published a fraction of those words, which is a good thing, but I should have published a lot more of them.

One of the things that has kept me from publishing more of my work is the feeling that I need to know more before I publish something. I am a thinker and I usually feel my thoughts on a matter need to mature more before I make them public. I often hesitate because I may later discover I was wrong, I may change my mind, or someone may call me out and prove me wrong, at least in their mind?

I have to write anyway. I have to express the prophetic revelation as I see it, the revelation as it was given me. My revelations, like everyone else’s, are imperfect because we look as though through a veil or a darkened glass. What we see in our humanity is but a fraction of reality and truth. The only revelation I have is what I see, the one I’ve been graciously given. (more…)

027 – Getting an Annual Spiritual Life Alignment

027 – Getting an Annual Spiritual Life Alignment

Have you ever thought about getting an annual spiritual alignment? About once a year we take a week out of our schedule to align our life vision with our spiritual life. This spiritual and strategic retreat is essential to calibrating our listening to the Spirit of God and aligning our forward movement according to the revelation gained during that week. We have to do a lot of ongoing calibration throughout the year, but this retreat, without fail, sets the agenda for the next 12 to 18 months of our lives.

Continue reading for a description of how an annual spiritual and strategic retreat can be life changing for you. You may want to read the article, listen to the podcast, or both. (more…)

026 – Aligning Our Purpose with Reality

026 – Aligning Our Purpose with Reality

Calibration is adjusting one component or part of our lives, but alignment is getting all of the parts and relationships of our lives moving and working together with laser focus. Our purpose and calling must align with reality. Alignment is essential for our own effectiveness, right and positive influences, for properly pursuing our calling and purposes, and for living a joyful life. Organizational and team alignment is an important focus for accomplishing your mission.

Last week, in episode 025, we discussed the importance of alignment in our relationships and teams. In this episode of the Calibrate Life Podcast, David and Donna discuss how aligning with reality is necessary for the definition of our purpose and calling. We must calibrate every major area of our lives into alignment.

Continue reading for the time stamped article, notes, and links associated with this episode.


The Power of Starting

The Power of Starting

Starting is the one immutable requisite to finishing. I sometimes make life so difficult, so complicated. I have a need to plot, to plan, to figure everything out, but nothing ever happens until I start.

I love to write. I used to sit and stare at the screen waiting for an epiphany. Needing inspiration, a direction, a divine deposit of intervention. I still do sometimes. Writing is about starting. When you start to write words they meander at first, but then they find a path. This might be a divine intervention, it might be a canvassing of the forest for a path, and we follow the path once it is found.

Life is like that. Sometimes I don’t know what to do. I am not sure where I’m going. I want a clear path, but I don’t see one. When I start with the thing I do know, the thing that is clear, or even when I just pick a direction and start walking, it is a supernatural phenomenon how I come across paths, good paths, fulfilling paths to follow. (more…)

016 – Three Critical Temptations Faced by Every Leader

016 – Three Critical Temptations Faced by Every Leader

We are tempted to relevance, to power, and the desire to do the spectacular. None of these are wrong in and of themselves, but coupled with unexamined motivation any of them can lead to leadership or life disaster. We must couple our desire for significance with the desire for transformation in the lifting of those we love and lead.

I sometimes struggle with having right motivations. I want to do great and awesome things. I want to live a significant life. For as much godly experience as I have in life, you would think I’d be exempt from temptations involving whacked out motivations, but if Jesus could be tempted in those areas, then it’s probably going to be a lifelong struggle as I continue to put “self” to death and live at a higher level. I must constantly lay down the desire to accomplish great things — yes, you heard me right — and embrace transformation and transformational leadership/ministry as my higher objective. In this episode of the Calibrate Life Podcast, David and Donna discuss Three Critical Temptations Faced by Every Leader and how they practically struggle with and navigate these temptations in their own life as they press toward joyful living.

For a synopsis, episode notes, and links mentioned in the podcast episode, continue reading…


015 – Calibrate Belief: Expanding the Borders of Your Faith

015 – Calibrate Belief: Expanding the Borders of Your Faith

You cannot be coached or led beyond the borders of your faith. If you don’t believe, you cannot step into your desired and directed future. So, how do we enlarge the borders of our faith? Through experience, inspiration, revelation, and trust, spiritual leadership can calibrate belief and develop the courage to step into God’s design for their lives.

Continue reading for detailed and time stamped notes. (more…)