056 — Overcoming the Anxiety from Your Leap of Faith

056 — Overcoming the Anxiety from Your Leap of Faith

Every major life change is accompanied by chaos and anxiety. How can you manage the chaos, stress, and anxiety that comes with exciting new adventures or with the change of unexpected or undesired changes or tragedies? Even in our day to day lives just simply trying to accomplish something of significance, chaos and stress are a part of the equation. Why is that and how can we manage the chaos and anxiety and stay focused on joyful living?


055 – Our Great Adventure Continues: We Are Stepping Into a New Chapter of Life

055 – Our Great Adventure Continues: We Are Stepping Into a New Chapter of Life

We’ve been talking a lot about living the great adventure, taking risks, stepping out in faith, living a joyful life, following your passions, etc. Well, we are leaving our present assignments and stepping out into an exciting future. This episode is about our journey and the reasons for our decision, but we do hope and believe that you will be encouraged by some of the things we’ve learned as we’ve made this monumental big leap.


053 — How Accountability Can Prevent Devastation in the Lives of Those You Love and Lead

053 — How Accountability Can Prevent Devastation in the Lives of Those You Love and Lead

How is it that we can have similar families, similar experiences, similar beliefs, grow up in the same town, and end up in such different places? Accountability in the context of community is so vitally important. In this episode we talk about the importance of accountability and staying intimately connected to the people you love and lead.


051 – Focus on these Seven Things to Discover Your Unique Path

051 – Focus on these Seven Things to Discover Your Unique Path

Sometimes the pieces and parts of our lives seem so random, but what if they actually do fit together? What if those pieces are orchestrated components that, when taken together, give us insight into God’s path for our lives? What are those seemingly random pieces upon which we must focus? Calibrate Life is about aligning the pieces of our lives to gain movement into God’s desired future. There are at least seven pieces of our lives that may fit uniquely together to give us a clue or a certainty of the directions we are to take. In this episode of CalibrateLife, David and Donna talk about 7 pieces that often fit together to cause our unique path to clearly emerge.


050 – Listen, Focus, and Go!

050 – Listen, Focus, and Go!

If you’ve been thinking about doing something for a long time, now is the time to look at the actions you need to connect to your dreaming. You have more visions floating around in your head than you will ever accomplish. This is the time to focus all of the pieces and settle on the ONE direction you will go. You cannot do everything you want to do… but you can (within parameters) do anything you want to do if you focus on a singular objective. In accomplishing our mission we must first listen, then focus, and then GO!
