014 – Why Community is Essential for Life Calibration, Growth, and Vision Fulfillment

014 – Why Community is Essential for Life Calibration, Growth, and Vision Fulfillment

You really cannot fulfill your vision, your personal growth will be severely stunted, and your life will be out of whack, unless you have and engage in a community. Relationships nurtured in a community are especially vital for spiritual leadership. How do I engage in community? Why is community important to my spirituality, growth, and fulfillment of the visions given me? The Calibrate Life Podcast explores these issues in this episode.

You really can get much of the content from the episode notes. Continue reading for time stamped notes with links mentioned in the podcast.  (more…)

013 – Why Community is Absolutely Essential for Spiritual Life and Leadership

013 – Why Community is Absolutely Essential for Spiritual Life and Leadership

Connecting to a community is essential to our calibration, health, and growth as spiritual leaders and as Christ followers. Why do some have such a hard time connecting, fitting in, and finding a community? How does relational disconnection stunt our spirituality, growth and vision. In part one of this podcast, David and Donna focus upon the spiritual connection side of community and relationship, and strengthening our relational connections.

Continue reading for a time stamped set of episode notes, coaching questions, and links of items and resources discussed in the podcast.  (more…)

011 – Calibrating the Marriage Relationship: Investing in Healthy Relationships

011 – Calibrating the Marriage Relationship: Investing in Healthy Relationships

Relationships are the context for life, leadership, and ministry. Relationships don’t have an auto-pilot, they require ongoing calibration. They can bring us the greatest joys or the greatest heartaches. Have you ever thought about things you would like to do differently, if you had a chance. David and Donna talk about calibrating one of our most important relationships, marriage, and how they are doing things differently the second time around.


God With Us!

God With Us!

Do you need a little Christmas joy? Though the holidays are hard for some, I love Christmas because it reminds me of Emmanuel, God With Us.

I love colored lights, I love boxes, and packages, and bows. I love Christmas trees and ornaments. I love all the little things that remind me of family times and happy times of Christmases past. Those memories bring both smiles and tears.

I miss my mom and dad and the almost 50 Christmases we shared together. I miss my sister at Christmas time, because, through much of our lives we were together on Christmas. I miss what Christmas was when the girls were small and we were all together. (more…)

Mom Taught Presence, Dad Taught Process

Dad taught me the power of believing in myself. Mom taught me the power of believing in God. Mom taught me to pursue the Presence of God and Dad taught me how to develop processes to implement and execute vision.

Fathers Day

I am so weary of those who focus solely on plans and strategies to sucessfully push and shove their own agenda on everyone around them through sheer willpower and transactional leadership skill.

I am also weary of those who criticize those gifted to craft a strategy to fulfill a God-given vision because somehow they think it more spiritual to camp in the euphoria of the Presence, never fulfilling divinely birthed directives.

I am thankful for a Mom who taught me to value and seek the Presence of God in my life. She taught me dependence on God and to always seek God’s agenda. I am thankful for a Dad who taught me how to think and how to believe in what God had put in me.

We need to seek God’s agenda, His purpose and plan, His direction. We need to seek his empowerment to accomplish what He puts in our hearts. We need to understand how God made us and how He wired us.

My calling is to place my ear on the chest of the Father, listen to his heart beat, and then do what I heard. (Quote inspired by Henri Nouwin)

Once we hear and know God’s agenda, then it’s time to act, it’s time to believe in the gifts and abilities God has given us, it’s time to have confidence in what we’ve heard and build out an inspired plan.

Sometimes our purpose or calling is complex, but it finds fulfillment in layers of simple steps.

I need to courageously attempt things big enough that without God’s help I will fail, but also understand He has uniquely developed within me the faith, courage, experience and abilities necessary to do what He is directing.

Thanks Mom, for teaching me to rely on God and not self.

Thanks Dad, for teaching me that God put  good abilities and gifts in me.

The mix of these two, Presence and process, have made me who I am. I want to fully follow God’s agenda and I want to build structures and processes that will actually accomplish the vision.

On this Father’s Day I am thankful for strength in the two things I must have, the Presence of God and the process thinking to accomplish God’s agenda.

As a transformational leader, give attention to those two things in the lives of those you love and lead!