Why I Believe in God

Why I Believe in God

Sometimes I ask myself the question, “Why do I believe in God?” I have doubts like everyone else, but I always come back to one simple reason. Here is my journal entry from this Easter Sunday morning. I decided I wanted to share it with you.

He is risen… he is risen indeed!

I woke up earlier this morning and felt the presence of Abba.
So much confusion in my life, so many things I do not understand, so many centuries and even millennia of speculation and prophets defining who God is.

Who is God? Is he real? Questions I ponder as often as anyone else.

Why do I believe in God?


012 – The Great Adventure: Six Things You Must Do to Step into Your Great Adventure

012 – The Great Adventure: Six Things You Must Do to Step into Your Great Adventure

Life doesn’t always turn out the way we hope it will, but life is a great adventure to be lived out and enjoyed. How do we step into our great adventure? This episode of the Calibrate Life podcast was recorded canal side in Venice, Italy as David and Donna talk about six life calibration decisions necessary for stepping into our great life adventure.

Continue reading for time stamped episode notes.


011 – Calibrating the Marriage Relationship: Investing in Healthy Relationships

011 – Calibrating the Marriage Relationship: Investing in Healthy Relationships

Relationships are the context for life, leadership, and ministry. Relationships don’t have an auto-pilot, they require ongoing calibration. They can bring us the greatest joys or the greatest heartaches. Have you ever thought about things you would like to do differently, if you had a chance. David and Donna talk about calibrating one of our most important relationships, marriage, and how they are doing things differently the second time around.
