052 — Significance Through Persistence: The Small Things Make the Biggest Difference

052 — Significance Through Persistence: The Small Things Make the Biggest Difference

We think of life in terms of the big things, the big chunks, but the accumulation of small but consistent actions are the things that really shape our lives and move us toward who we will be and what we will accomplish.


050 – Listen, Focus, and Go!

050 – Listen, Focus, and Go!

If you’ve been thinking about doing something for a long time, now is the time to look at the actions you need to connect to your dreaming. You have more visions floating around in your head than you will ever accomplish. This is the time to focus all of the pieces and settle on the ONE direction you will go. You cannot do everything you want to do… but you can (within parameters) do anything you want to do if you focus on a singular objective. In accomplishing our mission we must first listen, then focus, and then GO!


034 – Where Do You Get the Money to Accomplish Your Vision?

034 – Where Do You Get the Money to Accomplish Your Vision?

Wouldn’t it be nice if we just dreamed the dreams and God, or someone, just took all of the responsibility for financing our vision, our great adventure? Everything we want to do in life has to be resourced. Things we dream about, the vision we have for our family and relationships, even the things we sincerely want to do for God. How do we get the resources to do the things in our hearts to do? We discuss how resources are an indicator of the paths we should choose, and what to do if we just don’t have the resources we need to accomplish the things we want to accomplish.

Listen to the podcast, or “continue reading” to access the article.  (more…)

026 – Aligning Our Purpose with Reality

026 – Aligning Our Purpose with Reality

Calibration is adjusting one component or part of our lives, but alignment is getting all of the parts and relationships of our lives moving and working together with laser focus. Our purpose and calling must align with reality. Alignment is essential for our own effectiveness, right and positive influences, for properly pursuing our calling and purposes, and for living a joyful life. Organizational and team alignment is an important focus for accomplishing your mission.

Last week, in episode 025, we discussed the importance of alignment in our relationships and teams. In this episode of the Calibrate Life Podcast, David and Donna discuss how aligning with reality is necessary for the definition of our purpose and calling. We must calibrate every major area of our lives into alignment.

Continue reading for the time stamped article, notes, and links associated with this episode.


Optimism is a Choice: 4 Things that Change Our Outlook

Optimism is a Choice: 4 Things that Change Our Outlook

Sometimes I am pessimistic for no good reason. It is a sense of impending doom, or that feeling that’s the opposite of well-being. On other days, I am optimistic for no good reason—meaning that today is no different from yesterday and yesterday I was depressed and pessimistic, and today I’m optimistic, so, being that no significant change of circumstance has taken place, I really have no reason to be optimistic, at least no more so than the reasons for which I was pessimistic yesterday.

The tragedies we’ve walked through taught us that bad things actually do happen to good people. We seek to understand, we want to attach some meaning to the dark valleys we’ve walked through. If we can just understand the reasons for or the purposes of the dark valley, it comforts us. It doesn’t change anything, but it comforts us to know that tragedy is not random, rather, it serves good and noble purposes. (more…)