069 – A Blueprint for God’s Will for Your Life

If only God included a blueprint design for our lives when we were born so the design could be meticulously followed. One of the greatest concerns for Christ followers and spiritual leaders is being faithful to the will of God for our lives, but it can seem so nebulous. God has hardwired a blueprint into your life. It is revealed though listening to his heartbeat, observing the passions emerging within us, paying attention to the paths of our lives, and established through our actions, habits and practices.

In this episode, and in the notes that follow, we discuss the blueprint God has provided us that we may faithfully follow his design for our lives.

Continue reading for the article and episode notes.


068 – Embracing Healthy Relationships: Do You Hang Out With Safe People?

068 – Embracing Healthy Relationships: Do You Hang Out With Safe People?

Emotionally calibrated people have healthy relationships with safe people. Dysfunctional relationships not only disrupt our lives, but opening up to the wrong people, unsafe people, can hinder, damage, or destroy us as spiritual leaders. In this episode, David and Donna discuss some of the principles from the book Safe People, and how to carefully choose our relationships for joyful and healthy living.

Listen to the Podcast:

Continue reading for the episode notes.


067 – Adversity Makes it Possible for Life to be a Great Adventure

067 – Adversity Makes it Possible for Life to be a Great Adventure

An adventure is an exciting or very unusual experience, one that is  bold and risky. If the outcomes are certain, it is not an adventure. If you already know what you will see, encounter, and navigate it is not an adventure. Adversity grows us, prepares us, and emboldens us to live an adventurous life. We’ve decided that one of the criteria for the paths we will choose in the future–it MUST be an adventure.  Listen to the Podcast Episode:  As our friends know, we are in major transition… still! Everything has been changing in our lives for over 5 years and everything continues to morph into something new. This journey began with the loss of our spouses. It began in pain and progressed to travail. Foundational to my life are three decisions I made up front in the grief process. #1 – I will be whole again no matter what it takes. #2 – I choose to believe that good things are going to happen in my future that would not have happened without this tragedy happening first. #3 – The pain of this journey cost too much to waste, I will make a difference through this pain. (more…)
066 – Overcoming Life Overload: Minding Your Margin

066 – Overcoming Life Overload: Minding Your Margin

Calibrating our lives so we can live joyful, healthy, and effective lives requires having sufficient margin in our lives and schedules. Margin is the blank space left around the edge of a document that give it order. Margin is also the blank spaces we leave in our lives and on our schedules to accommodate the unexpected. When we structure our lives to close to the “edges” we risk overload. A joyful life always has margin.

In this episode of the Calibrate Life Podcast, David and Donna talk about the importance of adding and keeping margin in our lives, and some things to consider in managing the margin in our schedules and in our lives.


065 – Shape the Situation to Who You Are… Not Who You Are to the Situation

065 – Shape the Situation to Who You Are… Not Who You Are to the Situation

When we step into a predefined role, we sometimes allow it to strip away our uniqueness. We have to remember God’s design for our life includes who he made us to be. Rather than shaping ourselves to meet expectations, we need to consider how we function best, our gifts, our strengths, and our values. How do we faithfully execute our role or position without sacrificing the unique design God has for us?

As we transition from one season of life to the next, a successor will take the reigns I’ve held for a long time. I expect my successor to change a lot, to make the role uniquely their own, and allow God’s unique design of who they are to lift every thing to the next level. If God intended a change for our lives, then he intends a change for the role I’ve fulfilled for two decades. Yes, my successor will do a better job than I could have done moving forward because it is God’s plan to put someone else in that seat to accomplish things that only that person can… and that is a very good thing.

In this episode of the Calibrate Life Podcast, David and Donna discuss shaping our situations to who we are and not discarding who we are in trying to rise to the situation.

Shape the Situation to Who You Are… Not Who You Are to the Situation

How do we grow into the places where God places us? We always grow and change in new situations, but we are not to discard our unique design, because who we are is divinely important to our assignment. Here are some thoughts on making our roles and positions fit us more than us shaping to the situation. (more…)