119 – The Great Adventure: It Will Seem Impossible!

The Great Adventure Feels Impossible

Great Adventures involve the impossible — otherwise it wouldn’t be a great adventure. Trusting God for the impossible stretches us to new levels and intensifies our trust in God. We cannot let the things that seem impossible to us keep us from trusting God in our disciplined pursuit of his adventure for our lives. In this episode of Calibrate Life, we continue to discuss things we’ve learned on our great adventure and the necessity to embrace the impossible.

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118 – The Great Adventure: You Will Have a Learning Curve

Learning Curve

Every great adventure has a huge learning curve. Be ready to take it on, don’t be intimidated by it, because it’s only going to make you grow and make you better. In this episode of Calibrate Life, we discuss lessons we are learning on our great life adventure.

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117 – Three Vital Relationships Every Leader Must Have: Someone You are Lifting

Every spiritual leader is responsible to develop the Timothies in their lives. Spiritual leaders have an obligation to lift those they love and lead. The very definition of “Spiritual Leadership” implies the function of helping people discover God’s purpose and calling upon their lives. In episodes 115 and 116 we discussed the first two of three vital relationships every leader must have, and this week we discuss to need and the obligation to lift the next generation of leaders.

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